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Salary : 15000-20000/-

Company : E commerce

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Shift : Day

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Salary : 25000/-

Company : E commerce

Location : Lucknow

Shift : Day

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Salary : 25000/-

Company : E commerce

Location : Lucknow

Shift : Day

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Welcome to Jan Rojgar

Modern Day Staffing Agency

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Here, you can come across several renowned and fully background verified placement consultants for overseas jobs.

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We bring you 1360+ verified overseas placement consultants in lucknow that offer complete assistance in securing your dream job .

  • Executive Opportunities

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Our Service areas

Industries Hiring

  • Business Promotion

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  • Career Consultant

  • Campus Placement

  • HR Consultant

Business Promotion

265 Jobs in 10+ Different Companies


398 Jobs in 20+ Different Companies

Property Consultant

174+ Properties in 10+ Different Locations

Career Consultant

265 Jobs in 16 Different Companies

Campus Placement

276 Jobs in 18 Different Companies

HR Consultant

192 Jobs in 19 Different Companies
How it’s Possible

Three Steps of Jan Rojgar

Problem solvers, creative thinkers and those who aspire to greatness. We built this agency to put your talents to use. Join us to reach your full potential.






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